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Composting vs. Anaerobic digestion: Organic Waste Recycling Methods

For organic waste recycling, you might have mostly heard about “composting”, thinking it to be the most effective process. But fortunately, there are more efficient methods as well.  One of them is anaerobic digestion.

We at Re-source Recycling offer anaerobic digestion services for commercial food waste disposal. 

In this post, we will discuss the difference between composting and the anaerobic digestion process. But before that, we will discuss the difference between aerobic and anaerobic processes for a better understanding.

Aerobic vs. Anaerobic process

Simply defined, the aerobic process is performed with oxygen, whereas the anaerobic process is performed without oxygen.   In the aerobic process, organic waste is exposed to oxygen to create the fertilizer. On the other hand, the breakdown in the anaerobic process happens in a controlled environment using an anaerobic digester.

Composting process 

The natural aerobic breakdown of the organic waste to create fertilizer with nutrients is known as composting. You can use the nutrient-dense fertilizer to feed and nurture soils in your garden. In this process, the organic waste is exposed to oxygen, which assists in the disintegration of the material.

To produce the perfect compost for fertilization, there is a need for four key elements: nitrogen, carbon, oxygen, and water. For this, composting requires balancing nutrients, regulating temperature and moisture, and consistent aeration.

When there is proper nutrient balance and aeration, composting doesn’t emit significant greenhouse gas. But there are off-gases from the process that are not collected and released into the atmosphere.

Ultimately, composting releases greenhouse gases, especially during commercial food waste collection and disposal.

Anaerobic digestion

As a part of the organic waste recycling process, aerobic digestion is used in waste treatment plants everywhere in the world. The process occurs when organic waste is broken down by natural bacteria using an anaerobic digester, producing biogas. It uses the available renewable natural resources for processing.

Anaerobic digestion is broken down into a few steps, which vary from one organization to another.  You can connect with us to learn about commercial food waste disposal with anaerobic digestion.

Anaerobic digestion yields two useful bioproducts: biogas and fertilizer. Also, it captures all greenhouse gases and converts them into a renewable resource.

What should be your choice for organic waste recycling?

Both composting and anaerobic digestion are good for recycling organic waste. They are more than throwing organic waste into landfills.  But, if you are looking for commercial food waste disposal, composting alone is not enough. Composting is good for your kitchen and garden waste as the quantity is less.

The anaerobic digestion provides two bi-products without releasing anything in the environment making it a superior method for organic waste recycling. On the other hand, composting emits greenhouse gases, negatively affecting the environment.

The environmentally friendly way for commercial food waste collection and disposal is anaerobic digestion.

Contact Re-Source Recycling 

By now, you know that anaerobic digestion is better than composting for organic waste recycling. So, contact Re-Source Recycling for the service. We use the latest anaerobic digestion technology to recycle organic waste into valuable resources.

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